Through our master plan for the campus, developed through a strategic planning process, the need was identified for CDS that additional space was imperative for our students and faculty.
This exciting endeavor entails a new 40,600 square foot, two-story Center for Innovation building that includes a student union, dining hall, middle/upper school science labs, design tech, and visual art classrooms. It also includes a learning bridge with a technology hub and numerous student collaboration areas. In addition to the new facility, the renovation of the existing main building will allow for larger classrooms, the addition of learning spaces, and interactive breakout spaces.
All parents, alumni, faculty/staff, grandparents, friends, foundations, and many others are asked to consider a gift to the campaign according to their personal capability.
We are asking donors to make a reflective and significant personal commitment that is appropriate and meaningful to them.
This campaign offers many options to participate at ALL levels. You may choose a plan that provides you with both flexibility and time to complete the payment of your pledge. Pledges over three to five years are encouraged, allowing donors to give more than is possible through ‘one-time’ gifts.
While pledges for cash gifts are the type most often made to the campaign, other types such as gifts of stock or appreciated assets are also options.
Annual Giving supports our operating budget by providing opportunities to expand our academic and co-curricular activities every year. The Capital Campaign raises money for specific long-term purposes such as buildings, special initiatives, and the endowment. Annual Giving makes an immediate difference in supporting the school, whereas Capital Campaign gifts are usually more significant and often paid over the course of several years.
Carrollwood Day School is a non-profit institution under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax-deductible in accordance with state and federal tax laws. Donors with specific questions regarding tax deductibility should contact their financial advisors or attorney.